29 articles Excel 2003 Page 3 / 3

What is the formula for weighted average (mean) in Excel?

=sumproduct([values],[weights])/sum([weights]) A weighted average (mean) is similar to the arithmetic average (mean), except values to be average are given different weight or emphasis. As seen in the example below, the weighted average is much lower than the arithmetic average, because there the value 0 carries a very strong weight (50). The formula bar also shows how cells should be…

Why do images pasted from Excel into Powerpoint 2010 turn fuzzy and blurry when printed?

The Problem When pasting a Picture (Enhanced Image or Windows Metafile) into Powerpoint, the picture may turn mushy, fuzzy, blurry and even unreadable when being printed. This usually only happens if you put a gif, jpg, or raster image as part of the cells that are pasted into Excel. Typically, the fuzziness is not noticeable on screen,…